I was gonna beat around the bush with this one, but I'm not gonna, 'cause just like Skepta says.. that's not me, so here goes..
How many of us make excuses? By that I mean, excuses to stay in a saddened relationship, or a dead end job, so on and so forth, etc.. etc.. How many of us find every reason to stay, when we know deep down, the most important reasons are the ones that tell you to leave. Are you happy, or are you just comfortable? Why do we battle with our mind instead of finding peace with it?
These aren't rhetorical questions. These questions are here for you to try and answer. Imagine you are the strongest person you know, because you are, especially when you realise the only barriers you have to face, are the ones YOU put up. Now, don't get me wrong I know me typing this behind a laptop screen makes everything seem so easy. I know its hard honey pie's, I really do and I will be honest with you, sometimes I still doubt the choices I've made because of the 'what if's' that flood my mind from time to time, but do you know what I do with them 'what if's'? I slap a fuck it on 'em because without change we'd never move and in the long run, those changes have got me to a place where I can hand on heart say I am happy. I'm not that weird chick who's always happy mind, people piss me off on a daily and I cry sometimes (usually when I see a really cute puppy or when I'm hungover) but overall, I am as content as a pig rolling around in it's own muck.
I don't actually have an aim with this blog post, but my mind was active and apparently I love to preach. If only we were all aware of just how fleeting life can be, then maybe we wouldn't second think the things we want to say, or the things we want to do.
If you have read this blog post, thank you and remember..
Choose happy,
Stefi xoxo